Friday, July 1, 2022

How 40 Year Old Mom Lose 10 Pounds

How 40 Year Old Busy Mom Lose Over 10 Pounds In 7 Days ?

Having difficult time with weight loss plan that you can stick with ?

We’ve put together this powerful list of simple weight-loss tips for women over 40 just like you.

Seriously, if you’re consistent enough, it can lead you to losing up to 20 pounds in 14 days, just like it did for my friend Josie who used to weigh over 200 pounds.

She lost 10 pounds in the first 7 days of consistently putting these tips to work. And ended up losing 49 pounds in that same year!

And the best part of all this is – there is no crazy or weird behavior required.

Let’s get started.

1. Hydrate All Day Long

This weight loss tip is super simple, but very few women actually follow it.

Thirst is easily mistaken for hunger, especially in the morning. If you start your day trying to quench your thirst with food, you’re likely to keep that process up throughout the rest of the day.

Instead, start your day with two big glasses of water. That means before you have your coffee or tea, well before you eat breakfast, and as close to the beginning of your day as possible. The actual amount will vary from person to person, but try to consume at least a liter of water upon waking.

This will kickstart your day in the right way, helping you feel hydrated and avoiding any misinterpretation of thirst for hunger.

2. Don’t Eat Less

Living a low-calorie lifestyle that focuses exclusively on eating less doesn’t work! Instead, focus on eating more.

Fruits and veggies are full of fiber, water, and micronutrients that will help your body feel satiated. If you make an effort to eat more of them, you’ll automatically end up eating less of the unhealthy foods.

Don’t let people tell you that fruit has too much sugar either!

With all of that fiber and water, fruits are still far lower in calories than most foods, and the fiber means that the sugars are released more slowly and evenly, preventing crashes.

Even while you’re eating out, focus on eating all of the veggies or salad that comes with your meal first, and saving the best for last. This way you’ll be able to tell if you really need the other half of that loaded baked potato!

3. Don’t Drink Your Calories

You’ve probably been told not to consume your calories in the form of beverages. Well, it’s actually quite good advice.

Drinks are far less satiating than solid foods.

If you can focus on having your coffee black, tea straight, and using stevia as a sweetener, you’ll be far more likely to stick to your weight loss plan.

Better yet, stick to straight water for the majority of your drinks and your body will be far healthier for it!

Advice From 39 Year Old Mom Who Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks

Learn the top 4 tips to lose weight fast so you can see and feel the difference.

If you’re consistent enough, it can lead you to losing up to 20 pounds in 14 days, just like it did for my friend Josie who used to weigh over 200 pounds.

She lost 10 pounds in the first 7 days of consistently putting these tips to work. And ended up losing 49 pounds in that same year!

And the best part of all this is – there is no crazy or weird behavior required.

Let’s get started.
1. Eat every meal on a small salad plate

Larger plates trick people into serving larger portions—and that will sink your weight loss goals fast!

Instead, serve all your meals on salad plates, which usually run about 7-9” in diameter.

Chances are good you’ll naturally stick to smaller portions so you consume fewer calories over time.
2. Eat slowly

It takes the brain about 20 minutes to process an “I’m full” signal from the stomach.

When you eat more slowly, the brain has time to process that signal, so it can tell you to stop eating before you become overly full.

Here are a couple of ways to slow down:Chew each bite more thoroughly. In a recent study, researchers found that people who took about 40 chews per bite of food consumed 12% fewer calories than when they chewed 15 times per bite
Put your utensils down on the table between each bite. It’s a small action, but placing your fork, spoon, or knife back on the table after every bite can also help slow down the eating process.
3. Don’t drink calories.

You may be adding hundreds of additional calories to your diet daily from beverages, whether it’s lattes, sodas, or sports drinks.

Cut out drinks sweetened with refined sugar.

Don’t be fooled by artificial sweeteners either. Even though they’re not adding calories, they have a negative impact on the metabolism, making it harder to lose weight and keep it off.

Instead, to lose weight fast stick to plain H2O or beverages lightly sweetened with natural ingredients.

If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss,

I’m Ashley. And I tried it all.

Atkins, Southbeach, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig.

And I even listened to that silly baseball guy who talked about the shakes on TV for all those years.

And yet, since I had my second daughter at 39, I had gained even more weight and had not lost any…

Well, maybe a few pounds for a little while but then it all comes roaring back when I stop whatever gimmick I’m on that month.

You should’ve seen me in my college days. I was tall, slim and had been blessed by the good Lord with an hourglass figure that always turned heads.

Hey, it’s how I attracted my husband Tom!

But after my first-born… I couldn’t get back down to my normal 130. I’m 5 foot 7, and that was always a great weight on me.

Yet I’ve spent the better part of 20 years pushing 220 pounds.


Featuring Tyler Miller, a Formula One racetrack designer from Los Angeles, California who’d stumbled upon a weight loss solution that helped his wife, Martha finally lose 65 pounds.

The biggest revelation from Tyler was that the real cause of unexplained belly and body fat has nothing to do with how many carbs or sugar you eat…

Or how much dieting or exercise you do…

Or your genetics, thyroid hormones or even your age.

Instead, it’s mid-life metabolic stress that’s making it impossible for your body to burn off excess fat.

So, no matter how much you work yourself to death in the gym or restrict your diet as much as you want, mid-life metabolic stress makes absolutely certain you never lose an ounce of fat.

10 Surprising Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40

Getting older can sometimes be synonymous to adding weight for women over 40; especially because of child-birth. That is why we want to show you the effective weight loss tips for women over 40.

If you are getting older, you don’t have to gain weight with it.

It’s not “Normal” to gain weight as you get older.

Losing weight used to be very much simpler when you were younger; all you had to do was go down to the gym for a few days and reduce your sugar intake; and all was well.

But as you get older, your metabolic rate reduces naturally making our dieting and exercise to be less effective as it used to be.
There’s good news, though!

It’s still very possible to lose weight after 40 but you will have to plan ahead, eat healthier foods and do a little exercise… or still, if you really want to lose weight for good without any form of exercise, then you’ll have to become a vegetarian.

But that’s another post entirely which you can read here.

Follow these simple tips for weight loss after 40 and stay fit and healthy.
1. Know Your Body Well

Unless you know that food is interfering seriously with your weight loss goals, there is no need to cut off completely from that food.

Some people can eat a bar of chocolate and have their belt too tight while others can eat 10 bars and not feel a thing.

You should know what your body can handle and then act accordingly.

This can take some time, but that’s okay.

Spend some time to know yourself more, what works for you now and what doesn’t work anymore for you.

For instance, your body might not be able to handle a long run now so you could go for a walk with a partner.

Or you could do beginner yoga to tone your body.
2. Boost Your Metabolism

And as you get older, naturally, your metabolism reduces and skipping meals messes with your metabolism and slows it down considerably.

This means that if you are over 40 and skip meals, you are in danger of adding weight that will be very difficult to get off.

So, what’s the trick here?

Boost your metabolism.
And how do you do that?